Saturday, June 21, 2014

WHO does this land belong to??? Part 2

The "Palestinians" say there was this country called Palestine and they are the indigenous people and they lived here from time immemorial, owning and farming the land,  and it was always called Palestine.

What is the actual history of the region? Palestine was the name given to the region by the Romans after they conquered Israel in 70 AD.  They really wrecked Jerusalem and you can still see the damage they did, throwing the stones of the Jewish Temple off the Temple Mount onto the ground below. (Take a tour of the south wall in the Old City)

Here is a long story about this land and who lived here in Wikipedia --

What makes a place a country? You'd need a ruler or a senate, a currency, buildings, maybe some art.  There aren't any!  Palestine was an area -- like the Midwest, say -- and since 70 AD, it's been conquered again and again and been part of larger empires, none of them ever having their capital in Jerusalem.

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